Hospital Indemnity Insurance


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Security, stability, service

That’s what you can expect when you choose a Hospital Indemnity Flex insurance plan from Continental Life Insurance Company of Brentwood, Tennessee, an Aetna Company.

This insurance can help pay for out-of-pocket costs
associated with your current medical coverage

Protect your savings

Indemnity means “protection or security against damage or loss.” Hospital Indemnity Flex insurance is designed to do just that – help protect your savings and your security for the future. This insurance can help offset the cost of deductibles, co-pays, and unexpected or additional expenses incurred but not covered by your other insurance plans. Benefits are paid directly to you, or a medical provider that you designate, and are paid in addition to any other health care coverage. Our plan benefits give you the choice of which options are right for you.

Hospital inpatient or observation outpatient

Every year, more Medicare beneficiaries are entering hospitals as observation patients.
In a span of eight years, the number doubled to nearly 1.9 million.

If you have Medicare, ask

Your doctor may order observation
services to help decide whether you need to be admitted to a hospital as an inpatient or can be discharged. During the time you’re getting observation services in a hospital, you’re considered an outpatient. That means you can’t count this time towards the 3-day inpatient hospital stay needed for Medicare to cover your skilled nursing facility stay.